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Renovation Wiki

Common Questions Before Renovation

For homeowners planning to renovate, in addition to preparing the necessary funds, DECOLAND believes it's essential to have a well-thought-out timeline. Renovation is not a one-person task; it requires coordination with other family members living in the home to ensure a smooth process. Before starting the renovation, the following are common concerns homeowners usually have:

When should one start preparing for the renovation?
Pre-renovation phase: 30 to 60 days before possession

Homeowners are advised to start planning their renovation one to two months before taking possession. This involves confirming the renovation company, getting quotes, and finalizing design plans. It's also crucial to decide on the primary materials early on to ensure timely delivery and prevent any project delays. If you're considering hiring an interior design firm, allocate even more time.

Construction phase: 60 to 90 days

The construction phase encompasses several steps, including demolition, plumbing and electrical, masonry, carpentry, and painting. Each phase has its specifics, which can be referred to in a common construction process guide. It's wise to order materials like tiles, flooring, and fixtures at least 30 days in advance and schedule timely deliveries to avoid postponements.

Handover and inspection:

As the renovation nears completion, most tasks are wrapped up. Inspection is crucial, but often issues only become apparent after moving in. A maintenance period during this phase is vital! Mark any problematic areas and arrange for the contractor to fix them in a single visit. DECOLAND-affiliated renovation companies offer up to a one-year maintenance period, so you don't have to worry about any unexpected issues.

How long does a typical renovation take?

For a living space ranging from 300 to 500 square feet, a full renovation generally takes three to four months. The actual duration varies depending on the unit's size and the complexity of the work.

In addition to the size of the unit, the month in which the renovation starts can also affect the construction time. If you're considering starting renovations around the end of September or later, it's essential to communicate with the contractor to determine if completion before the Lunar New Year is feasible.

Given that many furniture pieces are now ordered from mainland factories, which typically halt orders about a month or even earlier before the Lunar New Year, it's essential to ensure that the masonry work is done before the factories' cut-off dates. Otherwise, it's unlikely that the project will finish before the Lunar New Year. Production typically resumes after the 15th day of the first lunar month. As a result, renovations starting around year's end might need an extended timeline by half a month to a full month.

Are there peak and off-peak seasons for renovation?

The peak season for renovations is generally from July to September. Families often opt for this period as children are on summer break, and it's possible to complete renovations before the Lunar New Year. DECOLAND suggests securing your slot with the right renovation team as early as possible. During peak times, if a contractor is fully booked or needs to hire extra hands, renovation costs can rise.

As for the off-peak season, it's usually around the Lunar New Year, as supply chains for construction materials and custom furniture orders pause for the holiday. Work generally resumes after the 15th day of the first lunar month. However, contractors are keen to begin projects soon after the New Year, providing homeowners with more room to negotiate.

How are renovation costs typically broken down?

For full-house renovations, payments are generally divided into 4 to 5 installments. We recommend aligning payments with the completion of specific phases, ensuring that you don't pay too much upfront, reducing risks.

Example 1:



Payment Date

Initial Deposit


Before commencement of work

Second Payment


After masonry

Third Payment


After painting completion

Final Payment


Upon completion

Example 2:



Payment Date

Initial Deposit


Before commencement of work

Second Payment


After plumbing and electrical completion

Third Payment


After masonry completion

Fourth Payment


Before furniture shipment

Final Payment


Upon completion

For many, renovation isn't an easy task. Aside from cost considerations, the process can be quite vexing for homeowners. That's where DECOLAND comes in with its all-in-one service approach. Whether it's finding the right renovation team, designers, getting accurate quotes, or managing the project, DECOLAND is here to support.

DECOLAND is here to help you solve all your renovation worries effortlessly!

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