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DECOLAND Hong Kong Renovation Matching Platform |
One Stop Renovation Matching Platform

 100% Completion Guarantee 

Based on

4 Major Service Commitments  
Strictly Selected Cooperative Renovation and Design Companies 

 Mystery Customer Dual Verification ⓘ
 In-house Renovation Team and Funiture Factory

$0 Quotation $0 Commission ?

4 Major Service Commitments


On-Schedule Guarantee


Quality Guarantee




One-year Warranty

Guaranteed Completion of Your Project

*Subject to terms and conditions.

Strictly Selected Cooperative Renovation
and Design Companies

We stringently select financially stable and efficient renovation and design partners to ensure your project’s timely completion. Mystery shoppers are employed to verify their service quality and authenticity.

Our collaborators use top-quality building materials from affiliated suppliers, ensuring excellence and cost competitiveness in your project.

In-house Renovation Team and Funiture Factory

Unique substitution mechanisms are in place to ensure the smooth progression of renovation projects. We provide ongoing support to enhance your living space as needed. With years of experience in renovation and interior design, the DECOLAND team offers professional assistance and advice, ensuring comprehensive follow-through at no additional cost.

Benefits of Choosing DECOLAND

DECOLAND Understand Your Needs and Free Matching
DECOLAND Providing Detailed Quotation
DECOLAND Free Design Consultation and Construction Supervision
DECOLAND Contract Review and Transparent Pricing
DECOLAND Project Supervision and Warranty Services
DECOLAND Renovation Team

Featured Renovation Cases

Packages and Upgrade Service

Customer Reviews

DECOLAND Mr. Liao and Mrs. Liao Comments
Mr. Liao and Mrs. Liao

"During renovation period, my wife and I had no time to follow up on the progress of the project due to work. DECOLAND was worrier than us , regularly updated us on the latest progress, and finished the renovation on time."
DECOLAND Ms. Fung Comments
Miss Feng

"Before, I was always scared to deal with the trivial matters related to renovation. I was worried about the trouble and the failure of the job if I hired the wrong renovator. This time DECOLAND guided and advised me all the way. It turned out that a lot of troubles could have been avoided early, which made me spend a lot less time. The result turns out to be better than expected!"
DECOLAND Mr. Chan and Mrs. Chan Comments
Mr. Chen and Mrs. Chen

"It's a blessing that we met the DECOLAND team when we renovated for the first time. They gave us a lot of professional advices on the project and quotation, and were very patient in answering our questions."
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