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Renovation Wiki

4 "Don'ts" for Sofa Maintenance

Maintaining your sofa is essential to ensure its longevity and appearance. Here are four "don'ts" to keep in mind when taking care of your sofa:

1. Don't Allow Contact with Stains: Avoid letting your sofa come into contact with oil stains, ink, or markers. These can be challenging to remove and may permanently damage the fabric or leather.

2. Don't Jump or Roughhouse on the Sofa: Jumping or rough play on the sofa can cause the springs to lose their elasticity, leading to a shorter lifespan for your sofa.

3. Don't Use Sharp Objects on Leather: Leather sofas are particularly vulnerable to scratches. Avoid using sharp objects near the sofa to prevent accidental damage.

4. 不要讓太陽直射,亦不能水洗,最好每星期清潔梳化一次,可用濕軟布輕輕清潔梳化表面,然後用保護劑打蠟,為梳化起防污作用。

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